Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo weather
Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo
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Noss Mayo, Devon

Noss Mayo

Noss Mayo
Noss Mayo Info

The population of Noss Mayo is about 550.

There are no shops in Noss Mayo any more

The Ship Inn
The Swan Inn

Noss Mayo Weather & Tides

Today's Tides (River Yealm Entrance)
Adjusted for BST. Heights in meters.
high tide: 0429 4.7 m - low tide: 1039 1.7 m
high tide: 1652 5.0 m - low tide: 2309 1.4 m
calm-glassy sea state estimated for local waters.
....More Noss Mayo tide times

Current Weather
Temp: 16.8°c ( 62.2°f ) with a heat index of 16.8°c .
Wind: calm , force 0 bft n .
Baro: 994.1 mb and steady .
....More Noss Mayo weather

Noss Mayo Weather Forecast
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....See Noss Mayo 9 Day Forecast
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About Noss Mayo

Noss Mayo is a village on the South West coast of Devon, about 10 miles by road from Plymouth. The village is situated on the River Yealm estuary, and is separated from it's neighbouring village, Newton Ferrers , by a tidal creek, which can be crossed on foot at low tide.

Noss Mayo is the smaller, and more humble of the two villages of Newton & Noss. It no longer has any shops, but did until recently have two pubs, The Ship Inn, and the Swan Inn. Unfortunately the Swan shut down recently, and at the time of writing this, it is unknown whether it will ever open as a pub again, although we all hope it does!

Noss Mayo has two churches. It's original one, Peter The Poor Fisherman, at Stoke, and the more recent one, St. Peter's which was given to the village in the 1880's by the 1st Lord Revelstoke, Edward Charles Baring. The original church at Stoke still remains as a protected ruin.


Horse Riding

Enjoy horse & pony riding at Newton Ferrers Equestrian Centre. Learn to ride at a fully equipped riding school. We also offer hacks, livery and we run a quarter horse stud.

Newton Ferrers Equus

Equestrian Classified Ads

Local gardens wanted for hedgehog release

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The RYA Shorebased courses are starting next week at The Parish Rooms, Yealmpton.  We have 5 spaces left on the Day Skipper shorebased, Tues eve 7 - 9.30.  and 3 spaces left on the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster class on Thursday eve.  Price £245.00 inclusive of books etc.  Please book on line at or phone 01548 810917.. 

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